City of Waltham Purchases Waltham Field Station

City Hall, Waltham, Massachusetts.

From Councillor George Darcy on Waltham Patch:

All good things in life are worth waiting for. I am happy to announce that today, Tuesday 3/1/2022 at 2:11pm, the City of Waltham closed in it acquisition of the 28-acre former University of Massachusetts Field Station farm located at 240 Beaver Street. While it took over 3 years to acquire, it was well worth the wait.

The parcel was original donated by Waltham resident and philanthropist Cornelia Warren back in 1922 with a reversionary clause to the City of Waltham. It is only by the foresight and philanthropy of Cornelia Warren that we are in a position today to celebrate its acquisition annd protection. It is the last working farm in Waltham. It is where the world famous Waltham Butternut Winter Squash and Waltham Broccoli were invented!

I thank State Senator Michael Barrett, State Representatives Lawn & Stanley, Waltham Mayor McCarthy, my 14 current peers on the Waltham City Council, our 6 former Council peers (Brasco, Fowler, LeBlanc, Logan, Mackin, Romard) for their unanimous votes in support, but most importantly, the (literally) thousands of people that relentlessly lobbied our elected officials to protect the UMASS Field Station in perpetuity for farming.

A win for our children, our grand children, and for Waltham.

George Darcy